![]() 11/04/2014 at 11:40 • Filed to: America, Get out and vote | ![]() | ![]() |
First have a BMW i8 i saw in downtown Nashville after I quit a job I started at for a day and a quarter - to go to a company for a better position, better salary, better mission, better culture, and almost no commute.
I went to one of the Gawker sites: Fortress America. It appears to be a subblog regarding politics. This particular subblog begins with a snide and shitty self-entitled to a better life but it is now everyone else's fault that it hasn't happened for me demeanor. The author then chooses to broad stroke many of the issues being voted on today int he midterm elections.
Disclosure: I am a very financially conservative, socially independent minded individual who constantly seeks new knowledge and experiences, but I am primarily focused on being a responsible adult in most aspects of my life.
So, I read his post regarding all the issues, representatives and governors being voted upon today. I took as much of his snarky hateful, un-American comments as my stomach could handle until I reached a segment upon which I happen to know a great deal about: Abortion.
Cue the laughter about someone posting against an original author on the internet about abortion. Anyway, I replied in a 100% fact based comment focused solely upon reason vice emotion. I outlined why there was an amendment to the Tennessee constitution regarding the issue, what events since the last amendment have changed things, and why it is important to not view this amendment as "Conservatives still looking to be masters of the uterus are trying out dumb measures in three states".
If it is one thing I hate in this world, it's stancing (haha), but seriously, it is uninformed individuals using their bias and lack of knowledge on an issue to apply stereotypes and negative emotions from the populace.
Also on the vote is the potential removal of state inspections or rather representatives who deem them illegal and "plan" to remove them from state law, so there is your automotive tie-in.
TL:DR = I posted a reply comment about politics on a liberal writers post regarding current abortion amendments.
![]() 11/04/2014 at 11:42 |
Why did you quit the job?
![]() 11/04/2014 at 11:49 |
this seems like it would go well over in cigar lounge. Gawker can get super tiring for people like us. It sounds like I have similar views as you. I am still up in the air about the abortion thing though as I personally don't have a stake in and prefer to reserve judgement one way or another. I just wish the system would let a third party in once in a while. A libertarian candidate who actually had a shot at winning would be refreshing.
![]() 11/04/2014 at 11:50 |
If you (or anyone else) have more posts like this and can't think of an automotive tie-in, you're welcome to post it in The Cigar Lounge .
I (or any of the other CL mods) would be happy to give you authorship.
![]() 11/04/2014 at 11:50 |
Abortion lol. The Left: Always on its heels, always crying about "get out of my bedroom, keep your hands off my body," blah-dee-blah tired Seventies rehashed shit.
My fave on Jezebel: When Brit Maynard or whatever her name was committed suicide, one of the first responses was "the pro-lifers were complaining that she wasn't delivering on her marital promise of bearing children until the final moments." How compassionate, you douchebag.
So... you've woven your hatred of anti-abortion activists into your embrace of assisted suicide. Can you make this
any more
about you?
Political arguments on the internet are for people who have really, really need hobby or two.
![]() 11/04/2014 at 11:55 |
shared to cigarlounge.
![]() 11/04/2014 at 12:01 |
Got a better offer, with almost no commute at a company providing a product and service I believe in.
![]() 11/04/2014 at 12:02 |
Ok will do.
![]() 11/04/2014 at 12:03 |
holy shit. I just read the article you mentioned. There is not even a tiny bit of impartial writing. This is some opinionated garbage that just ignores any mention of facts and goes straight for name calling. Terrible. I wish more of this stuff was on the Michigan ballot so I could vote more conservatively than I already am.
![]() 11/04/2014 at 12:05 |
You should have authorship rights now -
![]() 11/04/2014 at 12:22 |
I seem to be more in need of permissions for The CL than I would like to admit for non-related posts if that is possible
![]() 11/04/2014 at 12:24 |
You're an author now.
![]() 11/04/2014 at 12:25 |
Much thanks :)
![]() 11/04/2014 at 13:08 |
Agreed, I really just wanted the OP to know what the people of Tennessee were possibly voting for or against, and why it was not just some as you said re-hashed pro-life amendment. In Tennessee, due to lax policies abortion clinics are not treated as surgical centers. Which means very loose operating policies, like as bad as those drug testing clinics in suburban shopping malls.
![]() 11/05/2014 at 07:58 |
Inspections suck. Living in a state, where you can watch cars rust, the inspections at least keep some of the "Holy shit on what planet do you think that is safe to drive?!?!?" vehicles off the road.
![]() 11/05/2014 at 09:49 |
Yeah, I have the perpetual 3 amigos on in the Land Rover, need new wheel speed sensors and ABS modulator, these are not functioning parts that are necessary for safe vehicle operation. And of course due to many leaks of power steering fluid before I removed the hydraulic suspension pump and replaced the power steering pump, I need 4 new O2's and possibly the harness for them and a MAF. Why can't cars just simply be air, fuel, exhaust, power and torque?
![]() 11/06/2014 at 08:04 |
....If by "this stuff" you mean "even more access-restriction," then that is the last fucking thing Michigan needs on the ballot. And I'm not sure how seeking government control of access to health services counts as voting conservatively, but whatever. So glad I was busy voting on Tuesday rather than reading this nonsense.
![]() 11/06/2014 at 08:13 |
whoa whoa whoa.... Seeking government control to access to health care services? I don't think I stated the specific points I was referring to. I was really referring to The issues of guns, income tax, and minimum wage. I don't know if any of that is really considered access restrictions. I assume you are referring to the abortion issue. I really try not to vote on that because I really don't think it's my choice to make as I can never really be an that position of having to make that decision(I could be part of it, but the final decision would not be mine). In general I tend to be more liberal on that issue, but upbringing and such kind of have me conflicted.
![]() 11/06/2014 at 08:30 |
Yes, I was referring to abortion access restrictions (because that's what I thought you meant), which we already have plenty of in this ass-backward state. It's almost laughable how Michigan got rid of its helmet law and has open carry because MUH FREEDOMS! yet is unable to apply similar concepts of freedom to women seeking abortions. Michigan requires a 24-hour waiting period following a positive pregnancy test (better hope it was in a doctor's office) and notarized consumption of mandatory (bullshit) reading on both the procedure of your choice and adoption (ugh) before you can even schedule an abortion (good luck finding a clinic nearby that could stay open and met all the trivial closet space requirements!) and once you do, ooopsies, can't use the medical insurance you pay for on that! Gotta buy a separate rider for abortion coverage now, if you can find someone selling it, and hope you purchased it 8 months in advance! Also, better hope you can get parental permission or a court order (if you're under 18) before your deadline passes.... Because everyone knows that people who can't even be trusted to make decisions on legal medical procedures for themselves make the best parents.
TL;DR: So glad I can't have kids. Sorry about your personal conflict. I also can't help but giggle at Mr. IT Guy OP knowing so very much about abortions. And if he's so hard up on fiscal responsibility, wonder if he knows that covering birth control and abortions could save this country up to $12B a year. But whatever.
![]() 11/06/2014 at 08:54 |
That sucks that it is such a hard avenue even though it is legal. But the covering it is where you lose me (assuming you are talking about the government and not private insurance). But I am not for government funded insurance anyway, so its really a separate issue. Private insurance covering it, sure.
Along the fiscal responsibility lines, voting is kind of a wash, because both sides (because there are only 2 sides in this political struggle obviously) waste money real hard. They just do it indifferent places.
Also... that stupid no helmet law.... I get mad every time I see some baby boomer hanging from their weekend Harley handlebars with no helmet and their housewife in a sweatshirt, hair flying in the wind, on the back....
![]() 11/06/2014 at 09:05 |
Putting aside the fact that plenty of people in this country pay a lot more in taxes for wars they don't believe in than the average citizen will ever pay for abortions they don't believe in (especially since we've already had the Hyde Amendment in place just as long as the Roe v Wade decision) I am absolutely not talking about government insurance. In Michigan, all insurance, private or otherwise, is no longer allowed to provide abortion coverage without a separate rider per a petition signed by 4% of the population and approved by every Republican and a few turncoat Dems, against Synder's opposition to an earlier bill. $600+ upfront, if you're wondering. This was kind of all over the news last year.
![]() 11/06/2014 at 09:13 |
as for the first part about wars we don't need to be involved in, that's what I was referring to when I said both sides waste money, but its not for sure that democrats won't go to war either. As for the second part, That is why I hate the two party system. You either get republicans that I agree with on taxes and such, but are fucked on social issues or the exact opposite. As for the last part about it being all over the news, sadly I am/was ignorant of this, so I was not aware. I should read more news beyond just auto industry stuff.
Also it's good to see that you're happy, Hows the new job?
![]() 11/06/2014 at 09:24 |
I really don't care about sides at all, voted for three parties in this election. This state's basically turned me into a single issue voter. The "social stuff" people like to handwave away as not important has more impact on my life than a tiny tax increase or whatever. And I can't say I'm surprised you didn't hear about it, should've been all over this year with the elections too but everyone's too spineless in this state to touch the subject even as a valid criticism of their opponents' voting history. Hell, Gretchen Witmer got censured for daring to say "vagina" during the debates on that petition. BRB, moving to Canada. *sigh*
Thanks, btw. New job is great, working on stuff that would make Oppo cream their pants :) also seeing someone new and very happy in that department is well. How's life?
![]() 11/06/2014 at 09:35 |
That's awesome to hear. You still in automotive? Same company? I really am curious for details now! I'm working on some super fancy brake (actuation) systems.... testers... Interesting stuff though.
At this point, I would love to be able to take a tax hit and not mind, but I can't right now. Digging myself out from massive student debt.
Censured for saying vagina??? wtf.
![]() 11/06/2014 at 09:41 |
Still automotive, different company. Not dealing with brake systems directly though :P
I understand, I'll have my loans paid off in full this spring but it wasn't fun. And yea. The sad sad irony.
PS this goes without saying, but apart from my initial misunderstanding of what you wanted to see on the ballot up here, my anger at the stupidity of Michigan's laws is in no way directed at you.
![]() 11/06/2014 at 09:48 |
it's cool, I figured.
Are you with an OEM, a supplier? Drivetrain? Safety? I should be writing code to interface to an ECU via CAN, but I don't want to right now, so I will puzzle this out instead. I am an EE not a programmer....
![]() 11/06/2014 at 09:53 |
OEM, doing fascias on performance cars, and that's all I can say :)